
Monday, September 23, 2013

How NOT to send a group e-mail

Hey Guuuuyyyyzzzzzz!!!! It's that one over-enthusiastic Sophomore you met at Orientation! How are all my Freshmen?!?~~~~~~! ?!#&#$%#!!! Okay guyz, STRAP in for the next twenty minutes, cuz I have a CRAZY email to share with you all!

I'm taking up a quick bit of your time to tell you that, if you are one of the ten people on the intramural feminist Quidditch team, practice will be held in the Belfry tower of the Castle. 

OH My GOd! LOOK At All these RaNdoM colors! Aren't we JusT SOOO RANDOM!?!?! Abbreviated monkey taco pants esquire! Gosh I'm so random and quirky! Everyone says monkey when they're being random! WHYHHYYYYHYYY?!!?!

RAINBOW!!!!!!!It took me hours to do this!  

Hey! Guess what?><><><?!? There's another event happening soon! The grilled cheese marathon will be on wednesday, September 31!?!!?!?! Hey, who loves this color? WHO LOVES THIS COLOR ON A WHITE BACKGROUND!!!!?! Doesn't it just make you wanna barf with glee?? 

You get a Brandeis thursday on your next free day!!!! This SILLY color scheme detracts from your angeR! 

By the way, Rachel, and David say Heye! What's up guys? 

Don't know Rachel and David? Fuck you! 

Funclub 2013 would like everyone in funclub to know that funclub meeting times have been changed! Funclub will now meet monday during your Chem recitation, thursday during your debate meeting, and sunday during your work study. 

This part is REALLY important!!!! I'm gonna write it in Yellow though, so you have to squint and move your face really close to your computer so it looks like you're trying to french your laptop. 

Make SURE you pay very close attention to the above paragraph guys, it's really important.

This part is even more important! Screw people with glasses!!!!! Nerds!!!


-Bon Jovi
-Hipster Z and the pretentious Ds.  
-Belinda Nye the Politically Correct Science Woman
-Nickelback cover band Dime-bag 
Attendance is mandatory! 

Somebody told me that they don't like the creative colors!!!!!?! Well, I think they are a doodoo head!!! But I'll use normal type anyway: 

Writing in black, no big deal. They didn't say anything about highlight color! Fuck retinas! 

Anyway Guyz, I hope you all have a really great first year! If you found any of this confusing or slightly annoying, feel free to reply to this e-mail at Make sure you hit "reply all" so everyone gets it!!! 

Thanks geyez! Love you! 


Jacob Goldsteinberg 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013
Brandeis University constructs new "Shapiro Center of Linguistics" atop towering 436-foot-tall precipice. 
by Abe Clark
The new Shapiro Linguistics Center,
visible here from the Shiffman
Humanities building, continues the

Castle theme of Brandeis' campus.

Brandeis students will now have another place in which students can study and explore; the new linguistics center will be at the forefront of the University's recent expansion. With construction set to complete in mid-October, the Shapiro Linguistics center will be the largest and most advanced of its kind in New England. 

"With the new linguistics center, made possible by the generosity of Carl and Ruth Shapiro of course, we hope to offer Brandeis students the most advanced linguistics experience possible, just a short rock climb away from their dorms," announced Brandeis University president Fred Lawrence. Accessibility to the Linguistics center from other buildings on campus was a key component of the building's design, said Lawrence. "Students can easily reach the building using alpine style mountaineering or a belay technique." In the winter, the University plans to lend out ice axes to aid students in reaching class on time. Plans to hook the Linguistics Center up to the Rabb/Shiffman helicopter shuttle route have yet to be discussed. 

Accessibility to the Linguistics center was questioned early on, however, particularly regarding its accessibility for disabled students and the elderly. "We realize that rock climbing might not be for everybody," said chief architect of the project David Silverstein. "For this reason, we're installing a rope ladder to give access to disabled or wheelchair-bound students." Further accessibility will be added with the implementation of a grappling hook next year. 

Aspiring linguistics majors see the new center as a welcome addition to the Brandeis University campus. "I think it's great," said Brandeis sophomore and potential linguistics major Rachel Goldman. "It's...oh, I gotta run." Goldman then told reporters she could not give further comment, as she had class in thirty five minutes. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013
U.S. Military initiates new free "Semester Abroad" program in Syria

Program seen as great benefit for college students

by Abe Clark

In a surprising show of generosity towards the nation's college students, the United States military is opening a new "semester abroad" program in overseas countries. The program aims to provide students with a worldly education that exposes students to international viewpoints and global perspectives. 

"I am happy to announce our new 'semester abroad' program, available for all college students ages eighteen and up," said United States military chief of public relations Gary J Volesky. "Students will have to opportunity to spend a semester overseas at a number of exotic locations." Volesky said that students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of courses and activities overseas, although he stated that he could not specify what those were at this time.

Volesky states that the primary motivation for creating the study abroad program was to expose students from the United States to the cultures and societies of the international educational community. "With this program, we hope to instill in students the values of global thinking and world peace." Spreading values of peace was one of the most important rationals in the initiation of this program, Volesky says. "The United States military always has the best intentions in everything we do. Never forget that."

"We will bring peace through any means we deem necessary," Volesky added. "Any means." When asked to explain what he meant by "any means," Volesky said he could not make a comment at this time.

The program is free for current college students who are legal United States citizens. Despite its attractive nature, there are many openings available for students across the United States: "currently, we are offering 300,000 positions for the study-abroad program. This may seem like many, but we need every man we can get," said the program's spokesperson Ronald P. Edwards. "Students from across the country, from every college and university, are encouraged to join this program." Edwards stressed that the program would rely on the "strength in numbers" of college students.

Many college students initially held back from joining the program, wary of the civil war currently embroiling Syria. "Syria? Isn't there, like, a war there right now?" Asked Boston University student Helen Tuomi. "I think I'd prefer a more peaceful country, like Africa or Scotland." Edwards stressed that the current civil war would have no effect on the program. "Students need not worry about the civil war; that has nothing to do with this program whatsoever. Whatsoever." 

"Cobras, though." Edwards added. "That'll be something to look out for. Make sure you bring army boots, kids, those are snake-resistant." 

Many students see this program as a godsend. "I honestly don't know how to thank them," said Tufts University student Adam Roberts. "I get a whole year of credits for free and I get to tour the exotic middle east? My only question is, what's in it for the military?" Some Universities have seen drastic dips in enrollment as a result of the program. Northeastern University, in particular, has seen a 96% drop in enrollment since the program began. In order to combat this issue, executives at NEU are considering cutting tuition by 3%. 

However, despite its popularity, the program has not been without its controversy. Currently, no physically disabled students have been admitted to the program, though military officials insist that this is a coincidence. Additional controversy has surrounded the fact that so far, no college girls have been admitted into the program; all 298,645 students enrolled in the study abroad program are male. However, military officials state that this is also a coincidence: "the U.S. Army hopes to use this program to benefit students of all colors, genders, and abilities," a military spokesperson told reporters in an official press release. "Placement in this program is decided by a random lottery. We regret if any coincidences have disadvantaged any particular group or groups by accident." Though the army has dismissed allegations of sexism, many college girls remain unconvinced. "A woman deserves the right to study alongside her male counterparts in Syria. This is a fundamental right," said Boston-area lawyer Meghan Gallagher. "I understand that this is a coincidence, but the incredibly high sample size lends this case suspicion." 

The program's start is intended to coincide with the beginning of the next semester, although military officials state that the program may have an ambiguous start date. When asked when students would begin flying out to Syria, army spokesperson Volesky told reporters that "Washington had to figure some stuff out first," and that "it could take a couple months to start. But then again, it could be tomorrow."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Arrival of Winter disproves Global Warming 
by Abe Clark

The sudden arrival of frozen precipitation Sunday
debunked the long-standing "global warming" myth.

Climate scientists were baffled yesterday as snow fell over Boston and disproved once and for all the myth of Global Warming. Climatologists had previously thought that as fossil fuel consumption increased the planet's level of atmospheric Carbon, an increase in the average global temperature would result from increased infrared radiation trapped within the earth's atmosphere. But as nearly three and a half inches of snow fell over the Boston metropolitan area last night, climatologists were forced to shelve the decades-old theory. 
"For us, this is completely unprecedented," said MIT climate researcher Philip Kleppner. "That atmospheric Carbon levels have no seasonal affect on global weather patters goes completely against all of our previous scientific research." Along with other researchers at MIT, Kleppner is scrambling to present an alternative theory to explain the recent weather patterns. "Basically what we've come up with so far is the Kleppner-Leibowitz Theory of Average Global Temperature Causation, or KLTAGTC, which basically states that the average global temperature is completely arbitrary and is unaffected by human impact." While the theory is not perfect, Kleppner admits, it has not yet been disproven. "The obvious non-correlation between greenhouse gas levels and global temperature is something we've failed to see until today," said nobel-prize winning Chemist at Yale Dr. Edward Parfitt. "That we failed to see this detail is a great mishap in scientific history. It has been sitting right under our proverbial noses this whole time." 

However, for many citizens this issue is far from scientific. "I always knew this whole Global Warming thing was a bunch of hoo-haw," says Tennessee peanut farmer Gabriel Thompson. "I can see out my window it's snowin'. I don't need no college-boy scientist to tell me it's not snowing." Thompson says that after hearing of the sudden shift in scientific consensus, he plans to go back to college to earn a bachelor's degree in climate studies. 

For some, the shock of seeing snow in what was supposed to be a post-freezing era was enough to cause existential crises. Local resident Tracy McGillingham told reporters that she was always a firm believer in conservation and alternative energy until she saw the snow falling. "This can't be true. It can't," McGillingham told reporters in a panic. "My husband is a conservative... I can't imagine what he'll say." 

The shock of seeing snow falling over Boston greatly affected Liberal residents of Boston proper and its Western suburbs; many could be seen wandering the snowy streets in a daze. Reports of liberals freezing to death have become common throughout major US cities, as many liberals have already donated all winter clothing after a comprehensive UN study showed that Kyoto Protocol policies are too weak to prevent the average global temperature from increasing 2 degrees Celsius. "I don't understand, Global Warming was going exactly as it should have," said Cambridge democrat Albin Gustafson. "I mean, we haven't had snow in months.

Countries that have been ravaged by drought and wildfire have welcomed the news of Boston's snowy predicament, as they see this as an end to a costly environmental catastrophe. "When drought ruined the Kenyan economy, I had to move my family across the country and get a job as a dish washer" said Kenyan dish washer and former computer programmer John Abasi. "Now that Global Warming has been disproven in the United States, the economy of Kenya will revive and I can move back and afford to feed my family again." Areas of the Southwestern United States hurt by wildfire are happy that the recent wildfires, which have increased as much as 150% in Southern California and Arizona within the last decade, have been merely coincidental. A bill to de-fund the wildfire fighting forces in California is already making its way around the California legislature, with almost unanimous support from both sides of the aisle. Proponents cite financial savings from reduced spending on now-unnecessary firefighting as the key element of this bill. 

For many, however, the news of winter's arrival isn't merely about finances; it's about moral objectives. "I guess everything will kind of just be the same now," said Boston-area college student Cari Tolbert. "I mean, I always meant to start biking to school and recycling and stuff, but I never did it that much. So I guess now I don't have to." Most college students in the Boston area reacted the same way, with an overwhelming majority stating that they supported reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, but now guess they don't have to start doing anything. "It's good to know our actions had no discernible consequences." Tolbert added with a shrug. 

Michael DeVito, a Boston area auto mechanic and amateur meteorologist, said the recent onslaught of frozen precipitation reconfirmed his previously held suspicion that Global Warming was a hoax. "Yeah, I heard about this Global Warming business. Lemme ask ya something; if the planet's gettin' fried like a chicken these days, how come I still gotta pay some homeless guy fifty bucks every year to shovel my driveway. Put that one in your gun and shoot it." 

"Boston's cold," remarked DeVito, "and it always gon' be cold. Ain't need no more proof than that."